

1. Fanego Lema, Teresa; Iglesias Rábade, Luis; Fraga, Amelia; Méndez Naya, Belén; Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel (eds.) 1991. Papers from the IVth International Conference of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature. Santiago de Compotela: Universidade de Santiago.ISBN: 8471919877

2. 1993. Estudio Sociolingüístico de los escandinavismos en Middle English. Variación y distribución léxica. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago. ISBN: 8481210250

3. 1995. Los escandinavos en Inglaterra y el cambio léxico en inglés medieval. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña. ISBN: 8488301154

4. Fernández y González-Corugedo, Santiago; Lezcano González, Emma; Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel; Soto Vázquez, Adolfo Luis. 1996. Many Sundry Wits Gathered Together. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña. ISBN: 8489694222

5. Fernández y González-Corugedo, Santiago; Lezcano González, Emma; Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel; Soto Vázquez, Adolfo Luis (eds.) 1997. Some Sundry Wits Gathered Together. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña. ISBN: 8489694214

6. Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel; Crespo García Begoña; Lezcano González, Emma; Liste Noya, José & Rodríguez García, José María (eds). 1998. Interpretations of English: Essays on Literature, Culture and Film. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña. ISBN: 8495322005

7. Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel; Crespo García Begoña; Lezcano González, Emma; Liste Noya, José & Rodríguez García, José María (eds). 1999. Interpretations of English: Essays on Language, Linguistics and Philology. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña. ISBN: 8497490029

8. Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel; Crespo García Begoña; Lezcano González, Emma; Simal González, Begoña (eds). 2001. Re-Interpretations of English: Essays on Literature, Culture and Film (I). A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña. ISBN: 8497490029

9. Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel; Crespo García Begoña; Lezcano González, Emma; Simal González, Begoña (eds). 2002. Re-Interpretations of English: Essays on Language, Linguistics and Philology (I). A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña. ISBN: 8497490010

10. Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel & Crespo García, Begoña (eds). 2004. New Trends in English Historical Linguistics. An Atlantic View. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña. ISBN: 84-9749-091-6

11. Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel & Crespo García, Begoña (eds). 2004. Re-Interpretations of English: Essays on Literature, Culture and Film (II). A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña. ISBN: 84-9749-126-2

12. Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel & Crespo García Begoña (eds). 2005. Re-Interpretations of English: Essays on Language, Linguistics and Philology (II). A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña. ISBN: 84 9749127 0

13. Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel & Crespo García, Begoña (eds). forthcoming. Bells Chiming from the past. Cultural And Linguistic Studies On Early English. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Rodopi


Iglesias Rábade, Luis & Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel. 1991. Applied Socio-Historical Linguistics: A Network Analysis. In Fanego, T. et al (eds.) Papers from the IVth International Conference of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature. (153-163)

2. Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel & Seoane Posse, Elena. 1996. Scandinavian Loans and Processes of Word-Formation in ME: Some Preliminary Considerations. In Britton, D. (ed.) English Historical Linguistics, 1994. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN: 9027236399 (Eur) 1556195907 (USA)

3. 1997.Scandinavian loanwords during the Middle English period: geographical distribution. In González y Fernández-Corugedo, S. et al (eds) Some sundry wits gathered together. 155-162. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña. ISBN: 84-89694-21-4

4. Iglesias Rábade, Luis & Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel. 1997. Technical and Colloquial Character of Scandinavian and French loan-words in Early Middle English. In Studies in Middle English Language and Literature. 199-207León: Universidad de León. ISBN: 8477196230

5. Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel & Alfaya Lamas, Elena. 1999. Translation in Middle English: A Problem of Scripts and Scribes. Insights into Translation. 101-118.A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña. ISBN: 8489694869

6. 2001. Morfología flexiva del inglés moderno. In de la Cruz, I. & Martín Arista, J. (eds.) Lingüística histórica inglesa. 624-654 Barcelona: Ariel. ISBN: 8434482436

7. Crespo García, Begoña & Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel. 2003. Financial terms in English: a historical approach. In De toro Santos, A. & Lorenzo Modia, M.J. (eds.) El Inglés como vocación; Homenaje a Miguel Castelo Montero. 139-148A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña. ISBN: 84-9749-063-0

8. Crespo García, Begoña & Moskowich-Spiegel, Isabel. 2004. Old Trends, New Trends. In New Trends in English Historical Linguistics: An Atlantic View. 17-29.A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña. ISBN: 84-9749-091-6

9. Crespo García, Begoña & Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel. Latin Forms in Vernacular Scientific Writing: Code-Switching or Borrowing?. In MacConchie, R. et al (eds.) 2005. Selected Proceedings of the 2005 Symposium on New Approaches in English Historical Lexis (Hel-Lex). 51-59. Somerville, MA : Cascadilla Press. ISBN: 1-57473-412-1

10. Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel & Crespo García, Begoña. 2007. Presenting the Coruña Corpus: A Collection of Samples for the Historical Study of English Scientific Writing. In Pérez Guerra, J. et al. (eds.). ‘Of Varying Language and Opposing Creed’: New Insights into Late Modern English. Bern: Peter Lang (Linguistic Insights Series). 341-357. Berlin/New York: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-03910-788-9

11. Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel & Crespo García, Begoña. forthcoming. Different paths for Words and Money: The Scientific field of “Commerce and Finance” in Middle English. In Bells Chiming from the past. Cultural and Linguistic Studies on Early English. Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Rodopi


1. López Couso, M.J. & Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel. 1994. Some Editions of The Bruce. A Comparative Account. Selim, 4 : 48-58. ISSN: 1132631X

2. 1995. Los conceptos de cláusula y oración en las gramáticas angloamericanas: sus repercusiones. Lenguaje y textos, 6-7: 1-23. ISSN: 1133-4770

3. 1995. Language Contact and Language Change: The Danes in England. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, 8: 139-153. ISSN: 0214-4808

4. Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel & Seoane Posse, Elena. 1995.The Lexical Scandinavian Element in Early Modern English. Some Preliminary Considerations. Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 4/XCVI: 399-415. ISSN: 0028-3754

5. 1995. A Corpus-based Study of non-finite (infinitive) Complementation in Chaucerian English. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, 30-31: 201-226. ISSN: 0211-5913

6. 1997. A Study of Finite Complementation in late Fourteenth Century English.Babel, 6 : 25-60 . ISSN: 132-7332

7. Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel & Alfaya Lamas, Elena.2001. The Parlement of the Thre Ages: Some Notes on the Place of Origin of one of its manuscripts.Studia Neophilologica, 73: 23-35. ISSN: 0039-3274

8. 2002. The adjective in English. The ‘French type’ and its place in the history of the language. Folia Linguistica Historica, 23/1-2: 59-71. ISSN: 0165-4004

9. Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel & Crespo García, Begoña. 2002. Adjectival forms in Late Middle English. Syntactic and Semantic Implications. Studia Neophilologica, 74: 161-170. ISSN: 0039-3274

10. Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel & Montoya Reyes, Ana. 2003. Thirteen Paston Letters in Search of a Standard.Revista Canaria de estudios Ingleses, 46: 13-33. ISSN: 0211-5913.

11. 2002. El mito vikingo: el escandinavo como el “otro” en la Inglaterra medieval. Cuadernos del CEMYR (Centro de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas, Universidad de la Laguna), 55-79. ISSN: 1135-125

12. Crespo García, Begoña & Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel. 2004. Enlarging the Lexicon: The field of technology and administration from 1150 to 1500. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia, 40-63. ISSN: 0081-6272

13. Crespo García, Begoña & Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel. The limits of my language are the limits of my world: the scientific lexicon from 1350 to 1640. Folia Linguistica Historica. ISSN: 1382-5577

14. Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel & Crespo García, Begoña. 2004. On Medical and Scientific Writing in Late Medieval English (Studies in English language) (ed.) Irma Taavitsainen y Päivi Pahta, C.U.P. 2004. Neuphilologiche Mitteilungen, CVI: 97-103. ISSN: 0028-3754

15. 2005. New Zealand English. Its Origins and Evolution. Estudios de Sociolingüística, 6/2: -287. ISSN: 1576-7418

16. Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel & Crespo García, Begoña. 2006. Lop-webbe and henne cresse: Morphological Aspects of the Scientific Register in Late Middle English. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia, 42: ISSN: 0081-6272.

17. Forthcoming. To lerne sciences touching nombres and proporciouns”: the proportion of affixation in early scientific writing. English Studies. ISSN: 0013-838X.

18. Crespo García, Begoña & Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel. 2005-2006. Medicine, Astronomy, Affixes And Others: An Account Of Verb Formation In Some Early Scientific Works. SELIM, 13: 179-198. ISSN: 1132-631X.

19. 2005-2006. Cristina Mourón 2005: El ciclo de York. Sociedad y Cultura en la Inglaterra bajomedieval. SELIM, 13: 285-290. ISSN: 1132-631X

20. Parapar López, Javier & Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel. 2007. The Coruña Corpus Tool. Revista del Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural, 38: 289-290.ISSN: 1135-5948